Mindful Opportunities

Mindful Opportunities
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Tuesday, February 14, 2017

The Disappearing Educator

When I decided to start this blog, it was my hope that it would be a source of good conversations and a place where we could learn from and support each other as educators, mindfulness instructors, or just people trying to manage our way through this stress-filled life. This weekend, the February MEA Voice was delivered, and I was surprised to see myself quoted in the featured article, The Disappearing Educator. I had been contacted by the editor back in December, after she had seen a comment I had made to a blog post by my former superintendent. She said she was working on a piece about why teachers are leaving and the growing teacher shortage, and asked if I wouldn't mind elaborating on my reasons for retiring after only 20 years. I was happy to respond, and then I totally forgot about the whole thing, with the holidays and all . . . until this weekend, when my phone started going crazy with email and message alerts from educators around the state! They wanted to know more about why I left, about mindfulness, about how it helped myself and my students, and how it could help them.  They are stressed, frustrated, and looking for help. So, I thought this would be a great thing to blog about!

If you haven't already, please take a minute to read the article, as it tells my story, as well as the story of several other educators who have made the decision to leave the classroom. Please feel free to tell your story; your feelings as a current or former educator, your concerns as a parent, your response as a mindfulness practitioner, or just someone who values teachers/education and is concerned about the current state of affairs.

"Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest we take between two deep breaths."
- Etty Hillesum

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